1. What are the information and documents required in order to obtain the Legal Aid service?
The required information and documents are:
a) Identity Card
b) Original marriage certificate / divorce certificate
c) Divorce order
d) Child birth certificate
e) Details of employment
f) Name of employer
g) Certificate from employer
h) Statement of salary
i) Medical report
j) Police report
k) Witness information
l) Claimant residency verification
m) Any relevant documents
2. What are the laws governing the Legal Aid Department?
The Legal Aid Act 1971 which came into operation on 24 April 1971 is the governing law. The day to day administration is governed by the Legal Aid and Advice Regulations 1970 and the Legal Aid (Mediation) Regulations 2006.
3. What are the objectives of the Legal Aid Department?
The Legal Aid Department was established in September 1970 and its objectives are to provide legal assistance and advice and mediation services to those who could not afford and to promote legal awareness to the public efficiently, accurately and effectively.
4. What are the criteria for me to be eligible for legal aid??
Legal aid is available to:
a) Malaysian Citizen
b) 18 years old and above.
If the applicant is below 18 years old, the parents
or guardian should apply on behalf.
5. If I were eligible for legal aid, do I have to pay for any charges incurred?
You are required to pay financial contribution as stated in Peraturan Bantuan Guaman (Fi dan Sumbangan) 2017 to DG of Legal Aid if your financial resources is more than RM30,000.00 per annum.
6. If both parties in dispute are eligible for legal aid service, would LAD assist both parties or only the one who comes first?
Legal aid service is open to both parties, no matter who comes first as long as there is a good case to be brought to court.
7. What will happen if both parties involved in a dispute are represented by the Legal Aid Department?
If this happens, both parties will be referred to a mediation session in our Department to seek an out of court settlement. If the mediation session failed, their case will be referred to our panels of solicitors appointed by the Department in accordance with section 5 of the Legal Aid Act 1971 and legal fees will be paid by the Legal Aid Department.
8. Am I still eligible to the legal aid even if my case is beyond the jurisdiction of the Legal Aid Department?
An application for a case beyond the Department’s jurisdiction as stated in subsection 10(2A) or 12 (3) of the Legal Aid Act 1971 can be submitted to the Minister through the Director General for consideration and exemption provided that there is merit in the application.
9. What is the nature of legal advice provided by the Legal Aid Department?
Pursuant to section 29 of the Legal Aid Act 1971 legal advice shall consist of oral advice on any legal questions pertaining to the laws of Malaysia.