jbg ms v3







1. Research and Policy Division
  • To provide research services to the LAD;
  • To provide legal opinion to any legal aid matters referred to by LAD branches;
  • To prepare draft bills and subsidiary legislation to be submitted to the Attorney General’s Chambers;
  • To collect information and data; and
  • To build database of legal materials for reference.

2. Mediation, Litigation and Advisory Division (Civil)
  • To provide mediation services;
  • To monitor, supervise and provide the necessary assistance to the LAD branches in relation to mediation services;
  • To represent the client in civil proceedings as stipulated in the Third Schedule;
  • To represent the client in criminal proceedings as stipulated in the Second Schedule;
  • To give oral legal advice in any matters as stipulated in the Fourth Schedule; and
  • To monitor, supervise and provide the necessary assistance to the LAD branches in relation to legal aid and advice.

3. Litigation and Advisory Division (Syariah)
  • To represent the client in Syariah proceedings as stipulated in the Third Schedule;
  • To give oral legal advice in any Syariah matters as stipulated in the Fourth Schedule; and
  • To monitor, supervise and provide the necessary assistance to the LAD branches in relation to legal aid and advice.

4. Mediation Division (Syariah)
  • To provide mediation services;
  • To monitor, supervise and provide the necessary assistance to the LAD branches in relation to mediation services.

5. Panel of Solicitors and Legal Companion Division
  • To manage the appointment of private lawyers as panel of solicitors for LAD and to assign cases to them;
  • To monitor the cases handle by panel of solicitors and to make payment to them upon completion of cases;
  • To manage the application for authorization by the Minister under subsection 10 (2A) and 12 (3).

6. Management Services Division
  • To perform numerous functions which include human resources and financial management, general administration, ICT management and library management.